Up to the Villa
We finally got the energy (?) to hit the road and drive south to Villa de Leyva. We got lost a few times… again, but there was always something really interesting to look at. More waterfalls. Quaint small towns. Etc.
I don’t recall the timing exactly, but it seems like it took us the entire day to get here. We were not disappointed to find a stunning little town set against mountains. More importantly, we found a really good cup of coffee. It’s more difficult than you think – all the good stuff is exported.
Colombians drink something called tinto, which is usually just a strong tiny cup of instant coffee. Con leche just means that they dump the powder into milk. Since this town is geared toward tourism, you can find actual brewed coffee – yes!
This town seems lost in time. Little old ladies knitting in their window, with a few items offered up on the sill. Every house is cob and stucco. We haven’t seen funeral notices… anywhere, really… but here they are plastered all over town like a movie showing.
We were still low on energy, but this place required nothing from us. Stroll a few blocks and then sit on the square for the evening. It feels like vacation.
There is actually a ‘Zona de Camping’ only two blocks from the main square. It’s a perfectly green lawn surrounded by privacy walls and you can go right in and pick your spot. I’m not sure we’ve seen a more perfect camp inside of a town, but we passed on camping for a cheapo hostel once again. We’re too tired to even put the effort into popping the top.
We’ve been beat for quite a while and we can’t figure it out. We’re asking ourselves questions like “have we eaten enough vegetables?” “Is it the altitude?” “Did we get bitten by a tick?”
We are definitely missing our mojo, but will keep looking…
You are probably a little burnt from the work involved in getting from one continent to another. With the sweet camping set up they have in this town, maybe you should chill for a few days and reestablish the bus as home. Holding still for a few days in your own space can be renewing after sleeping in so many different beds for so long. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like bus.
Giants had a rough night too. Sounds like everyone could use a few more veggies (and a rally thong). Hang in there 🙂
Wow, I love that main square! Que dramatico!
I can only imagine how pooped I would be after all of the moving around and daily adventuring you do! Remember Costa Rica and our pace there? It is a lot of effort to keep moving as much as you have been lately. It’s good, and the reason you’re traveling, but I agree with Nick…you must just need to stay in one place for a while. If you feel worse after days of sitting around, maybe start looking for ticks?
Thinking of you all! Feel better!
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