Isla Tortuga

Isla Tortuga is about an hour by boat from Montezuma and a great day trip. It’s a tiny island with a white sand beach lined with palm trees. We made the trip, did some snorkeling and generally lounged on the sand for most of the day.

It’s a really beautiful place and the water temperature is perfect for soaking in the sheltered cove all day. If that’s not your thing, you can make friends with a wild beach hog of some sort.

The snorkeling was pretty good, but the sea was a bit angry that day. Bode didn’t quite get in the groove. We did spot plenty of fish, and he enjoyed feeding them some bread from the boat.

The ride home was more adventurous, as the afternoon storm rolled in and the ocean got really rough. Then the rain started dumping down. We were flying in the boat to get home quickly before things got really bad and the rain drops were stinging like crazy. We were soaked, cold and thoroughly beaten by the time we got back to the beach at Montezuma.

Because we always seem to get on a boat with an engine problem, we had to do a boat transfer before beaching and walking home in the rain. Still, not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

3 thoughts on “Isla Tortuga

  • August 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM

    Certainly some delicious sort of bacon could be made out of that peccary.
    How is the bus running?


  • August 26, 2010 at 8:32 PM

    Great photos from Isla Tortuga. So jealous I didn’t get to see it in person. Angela’s beer in hand/wading in the water shot is classic Pura Vida! That’s what I’m talking about!

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