Brazil to Paraguay
Yapeyu was a nice Jesuit mission town, but we we were on our own mission to get to the far north of Argentina to meet my mom. The last few days involved lots of driving, and during the night Bode developed a fever.
So we got up early and left him to sleep in the back of the bus. We took a few photos and then headed off. Our morning routine has really turned efficient since my Uruaguyan purchase of a purple suede thermos. Now, we can utilize the hot water machines at every gas station. Jason was skeptical, but we’ve made coffee, tea and Ramen without having to pull out the camp stove, so I’m sold.
We drove from the banks of the River Uruguay to the banks of the River Parana separating us from Paraguay. Orange groves and mate farms. Interesting for a while, but it was a long drive. We ended up near Posados, camping at an ‘adventure resort’. Bode was still feverish and it was late, so we just enjoyed the view and the showers.
Ola amigos.
Sou de Cutitiba Parana.
Gostaria de encontrar com voçes aqui em Curitiba para nos tomarmos umas cervejas e bater muito papo.
Michel de Matos
Translation from above:
Hi friends,
Im from Curibita (town), Parana (province).
I would like to meet you guys here in Curibita so we can have a few beers and talk a lot.
Just thought id help as Spanish is not the same as Portuguese :). Daily reader so please keep posting !!!
Looks beautiful! Hope Bode starts feeling better.