Down to Chiloé
Since we’re always running behind on the blog, we’ve got some stuff from the previous week we can continue to add. We’ll be in Houston for a while longer, but we can all pretend we’re in Chile while we read this.
We hit the road and headed south and for the coast. This is officially the end of the Lakes District and is now Northern Patagonia. I think. Maybe it’s just Chiloé.
You have to take a quick ferry over to the island, and they charged us 10,000 pesos, or about 20 bucks for the bus. It’s just a car ferry, but it has wi-fi. If we haven’t mentioned it before, everywhere in Chile has wi-fi.
The first stop on Chiloé is Ancud. We found a run down cabana on the waterfront and made ourselves at home. Except the great weather, this place is about what we expected. The aesthetic here is rotten wood shingles and rust.
NICE! i can’t wait anymore! just wanna go down to chiloe ASAP!